Albi Institute influences the creative industries in Israel through pipeline programs that shift the context of creative production in Israel. With the realities of Israeli audiences and politics in mind, these programs seek to expand the space for critical voices in cultural production across fields and industries to thrive and be true vehicles for change.

Intellectual Incubator for Documentary Films -
Van Leer Institute

The Intellectual Incubator for Documentary Filmmakers at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, formed in conjunction with the Israeli Documentary Filmmakers Forum and the Jerusalem Cinematheque, is entering its fifth year. It is a platform for thinking through and critiquing the intellectual, social, and cultural contexts in which documentary films are conceived, produced and received.

It is also a place for filmmakers and researchers to collaborate, lending filmmaking in Israel greater intellectual depth and creative energy while bringing new questions and approaches to research.

Selection of Works

development documentary film
War and Peace in Rahat

director: Kaid Abu Latif

What happens when you try to host Tolstoy in a Bedouin tent? Rahat, the largest Bedouin city in Israel, is at the center of this film. Will it remain associated only with crime and violence, or can it become a center for contemplation of the ties between Arabs and Jews? The earthquake of October 7 opened up the option for a new discourse of togetherness in which Bedouin Arabs are not the problem, but rather are part of the solution. The film will examine these queries while alluding to the great novel by Leo Tolstoy.


documentary incubator
Language of Force: Israel's Military Rule, 1948-1966

director: Ayelet Bechar
producer: David Ofek and Ahlam Canaan

An eight-part series about the history and legacy of the Military Rule imposed on Palestinians who remained in the newly established state of Israel between 1948 and 1966.
Supported by Makan, Israel's Broadcasting Corporation.

Content Editor: Kifah Abdul Halim


documentary incubator
The Safe Place (Working Title)

director: Arnon Goldfinger

The existential rift that opened on October 7 caught a documentarist immersed in research in the Zionist Archives and threw him into the open wound in Hostages Square, drifting between a utopian past and a traumatic present.


documentary incubator
Hague vs Israel

director: David Wachsmann
producer: Yoav Roeh

The film describes the legal 'Iron Dome' that Israel developed to protect itself against international legal proceedings. Through the defense arguments, the Israeli worldview regarding the conflict will be clarified and the weak points in the ethos of the Zionist enterprise will be revealed.
development documentary incubator
The Third Place

director: Jenya Maley

This documentary explores a family’s ordeal at the crossroads of Russia and Israel, navigating the turmoil of two life-changing wars. It delves into themes of immigration, identity Judaism, nationalism, and women’s roles in conflict, through the filmmaker’s personal journey between her birthplace, Russia, and her country of upbringing, Israel.


development documentary incubator

director: Neta Shoshani, Talia Bernstein

This three-part series deconstructs the formation of the image of Gaza in Israeli culture over the years, in light of the historical context, and reconstructs its absent visual representation in the discourse. The processes of constructing the image of Gaza will be explored thoroughly, with a focus on the few works that have engaged with Gaza, whether helping to form the static Israeli image of the Gaza Strip or attempting to challenge it.


development documentary incubator
The Opsimists

director: Uri Marantz, Gal Amir

The film (based on the research of Dr. Gal Amir and Dr. Na’ama Ben Ze’ev) follows the lives of three Palestinian lawyers in Haifa, from the British Mandate and the Arab Revolt period, through the great rupture of 1948, exile and return, to the end of military rule. It is the story of Palestinian Haifa— its destruction and the coping and integration of the Palestinians who remained there (in our case, through the unique prism of those who worked in the legal field) with the new Israeli reality.


documentary film incubator
How to Bank a Cow?

director: Alon Levi, Oren Reich

The story of the biggest financial fraud that ever occurred in Israel is also the story of the heroes who proved its existence, leading to a near collapse of the Israeli banking system.


development documentary incubator
The Memory-Builders

director: Orna Raviv, Dina Zilber

The Memory-Builders centers around the events of 7/10 in Israel by following five individuals who committed to documenting them. Each employs distinct and diverse methods to capture the essence of what transpired. The film uncovers their personal stories, shedding light on their motivations, internal conflicts, and the challenges they confront. Furthermore, it reveals the influence of technology, the significance of amplifying diverse perspectives in shaping national historical accounts, and the intricate ethical, social, and political dilemmas intertwined with the documentation of collective trauma.