
Isaac Kates Rose

Senior Producer, Partnerships

Isaac (he/him) is proud to join the ALBI team. He has previously consulted for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, co-authoring a report on the relevance of reparative strategies to their Israel-Palestine work, and how reparations could inform social change strategy in the land. Isaac lived in Jerusalem from 2013-2021, first finding a footing there thanks to two progressive Jewish foundations, through the New Israel Fund Shatil Social Justice Fellowship and the Dorot Fellowship, respectively; and as a member of All That's Left, a diasporic anti-occupation collective. He was part of the Center for Jewish Nonviolence through 2020, supporting the leadership of Palestinian partners in their struggle and helping to steward coalitional coresistance efforts for international Jewish solidarity. After leaving Jerusalem together with his partner at the end of 2021, Isaac has been slowly learning about life in NYC. As the third of six children, Isaac learned lots about giving; as an artist’s son, he inherited a couple creative genes; and as a maker of music, movies, and movements, he is beyond grateful to bring the cultural work of Palestinians and Israelis to the broadest audience, so that their visions inspire and energize the co-creation of a just society.